
LISD follows the Texas Department of Health Guidelines for illness-related exclusions from school. A student will be sent home if they have a fever of 100.0 Fahrenheit or above or any other contagious symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) and will need to remain home until symptom free for twenty-four (24) hours, without the use of medications. If it is determined that the child should go home, the staff will contact the parent/guardian, if parent/guardian cannot be reached a listed emergency contact will be contacted. When it is determined that the student must go home due to a non-emergent illness/injury, it is the expectation that the student be picked up within the hour of parent/guardian/emergency contact being contacted. For our older students able to drive, parent permission must be obtained via email or fax after contact with the campus clinic, before a student will be allowed to drive home.

If the doctor prescribes your child antibiotics, he/she must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before to returning to school.

These guidelines are followed to prevent the spread of illness to other students.


Lice are small parasites that live on a human head. They are most commonly spread by close person to person contact. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Texas Department of Health support that there is little evidence that exclusion from school reduces the transmission of head lice (Texas Department of State Health Human Services, 2007). Head lice are common for children ages 3-12. They are not a health hazard and are not responsible for the spread of any disease. LISD health service staff will notify parents of students with head lice and can provide information and resources for those families.

Hospitalizations/Injuries requiring Intervention

If your student has been hospitalized, a note from your student’s physician stating the return to school date and any limitations required is needed. If your student has an injury requiring interventions, such as surgery, cast, crutches, wheelchairs, etc., then a physician’s note prescribing the activities the student is or is not allowed to do is required. This helps us provide the safest learning environment for your student.